Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What do I need to know about events?

My calender has been booked with all kinds of vendor events, expos and blitz opportunities so I thought I would share a little on how I do vendor events..

Check your local Chamber of Commerce, newspaper, local social media page, City Hall bulletin board.. anywhere there is an event posted write it down, don't forget to include the contact information! Anywhere there is a large group of people it's a distributors 'Blitz Heaven!' Get your blitz on!! Find my tips on how to blitz here. So your browsing your rather large list of events, do you see anything that would need vendors? Call the contact information, they might not have an It Works vendor... BOOM, now you have an event!

Your so excited because you finally have your first event, but wait... you don't know what to put in your booth to attract customers?

It Works banner- Let everyone know your there and who you are! In the below photos the distributors used the It Works towel. I personally use a piece of fabric purchased at a craft store and I painted It Works on it. I've seen professional table cloths made as well. If you chose to not use one of these that is ok as well.  Also, as you can see in the second photo down there is a blitz card foam board, that is my personal board at that event. I purchased it at Staples and it was rather affordable. I have two and use them at every event,
Products- Skin care line, wraps (body and facial), supplements. I like to try and use bottles that are almost empty or have one pill in them that way you can show people the size of the supplement they will potentially be taking. Having wraps on hand at vendor events is a must, you never know when someone will want to but from you!
Product/ business opportunity information- Product flyer's, Success From Home magazine, Loyal Customer/ DT sign up forms, before/ after photos, Blitz cards.
Register Forms-  Holding a drawing is a MUST at vendor events! Items can be as simple as a body wrap or facial to a large basket, you can decide. Check with your event to see if you need to donate a raffle item to be raffled off. When people sign up for drawings, you as a distributor are gaining leads for potential business. If they're interested in trying it free by winning it they might be interested in hosting a party and trying it FREE then too.. which in turn generates money for you as the distributor, possible loyal customers and possible downline distributors! Register forms here!
Decorations- Optional! Take a look at the photos below. Each booth is different and decorating your both you can be as creative as you would like. Arrange the products in an attractive way to gain interest in your booth.

Photo courtesy of my Double Diamond upline Angie Meyer
Photo courtesy of my Diamond upline Kathy Ostrom
Photo courtesy of my Executive sideline Cindy Flippo
Photo courtesy of my Executive sideline Sarah Paul
Ok, now you know how to set your booth up! But wait, now what!?
Get out there and work your business, that's what!
*Sometimes events require more then one person working the event. I like to contact my downline team so they can get a chance to work a vendor event and your helping them build their business which in turn.. BUILDS YOUR BUSINESS!
*Get your blitz cards in people hands!
*Be knowledged in the products. When you know what your talking about your confident in talking to people about the It Works products.
*Get people engaged! Making your booth fun gets people to your booth. The more people to hear about your business, the more potential for business to BOOM!
* Smile! Have a good time at your event! When your excited, the people stopping at your booth will be excited!
* ALWAYS FOLLOW UP! There is no reason to do a vendor event if your not going to follow up with your contacts! Ask the lucky winner about booking a party and possibly getting a second wrap. Fully instruct them how to use the wrap, how to measure, how to order, etc.
After the expo is over your job is NOT done! You now have to follow up with every single lead in your drawing! You might contact them more then once. I like to label the register forms so I know which event they are from. On the back I like to put when I contacted each person (time and date, if I made contact or left a v-mail. I always have my calender out when I call because I might be able to book a party.
I can't stress the importance of follow up enough. If you have the potential to get business, GET BUSINESS. Don't be that person that is crushed because their lead signed up on another team... I've been there plenty of times. Follow up is important!
Not all events are the same. These tips can be modified to fit your event. If you have any additional information to help with events leave a comment below! 

Why Is It Important To 'Plug In'?

So as you are traveling into your journey through It Works you will understand the importance of communication. Communication is HUGE in this business... if it's getting in front of potential customers or potential downline to communicating with upline.

This business has lots of tried and true ways of educating it's distributors. Keeping an open relationship with your team is a very good form of relaying information back and forth to each other. Ways to get informed on learning, upcoming training events or up to date news is through the conference calls and the teams Facebook pages. Those two resources are like gold to your business.

Even if your one of those kinds of people who like to do their own research and want to learn it on your own the team Facebook page will help your business grow tremendously! The teamwork and the open offer of help is always nice to have... trust me! The support on my team is that of nothing I have experienced in my life and we communicate daily through the page.

Conference calls are also a good resource to have as well. The calls can feature people such as Pam Sowder, Kami Dempsey, Nikki Moore, Denise Walsh.. and even your own upline! The calls are a very good VALUABLE tool for those kind of people who like to physically hear how others are positively effected by It Works. Need a little business booster? Listen to one of the calls, they always perk me up!  The neat thing about the calls is you can mute yourself and cook your family dinner or do other activities that need to get done... just as long as you listen. These calls are just jam packed with useful information!


I've managed to find several recorded conference calls, feel free to listen in on some on them!

Conference Calls are at 9pm EST Every Tuesday..unless otherwise noted. The number is 616-712-3139 or 865-291-0488 passcode 740528#

4/2/13- generating leads and being a leader..

3/26/13 bootcamp A-Ha's

3/19/13 intention, professional asker, professional finisher

3/5/13 compensation plan

2/19/13- Personality colors with Shannon Altom

2/5/13- Party pad.. before, during and after the party verbiage for success!!

1/29/13- Overcoming objections, recruiting and follow up

1/22/13-Conference recap and some Ah-ha moments!!

1/15/13-Generating Leads

1/1/13- Start anew!! Build a strong foundation with Nikki Moore and Denise Walsh

12/18/12-Leadership tips Success from Home promotional winners:from Mary Katherine (katie)
and Danna Magness..

12/11/12- Our in with 10 Success From Home qualifiers!! How IT changed their business

‎12/ 4/12 committing and generating leads

‎11/6/12 being intentional with Denice Belknap, Beth Bandy, Kiley Shafer, Shannon Altom

10/30/12 Pam Sowder...

10/23/12Mindset with Mike Potillo

‎10/16/12 Goals and setting them with Alicia Demeny and Nikki Moore

‎10/9/12 Your WHY!!

10/2/12 product knowledge with Lori Parsons, Rn and Julie Lee

9/18- Party the It works way with Danna Magness and Valerie Barnes

9/11 intentional withtime and guest Beth Bandy

9/4 generating leads and testimony with Jaime Peca

8/29 follow up and close those leads-end of month with Alicia Demeny and Nikki Moore

8/7/12 Entraleader...choose your mentality

7/24/12- not fastenough...

7/24/12- chiropractic call (choppy and tech difficulties in beginning, but hang in there

7/17/12- Generating Leads with Guest Denic

7/10/12- Team call with Triple Diamond Alicia

7/3/12-Building with intention and urgency with Mike Potillo!!

6/19/12- overcoming objections-updates

6/12/12- goal setting/resources
6/5/12-wrap shortage, have confidence..determine your why

5/28//12- Dt stories: Tammy Spray Ward, Debbie Carroll and Beth Bandy

5/22/12- how to grow your check..compensation plan and strategies

5/15/12-generating leads

5/1/12- party overview with LoAnn Toney

4/24/11- our attitude and reactions/responses carry us

4/17/12- Product info: Supplements with Nikki and Skin care with Julie Lee-licenced esthician

4/16/12- Prospecting call- business plan

4/10/12- Guests Esther Ross and Angie Myer with Host Alicia Demeny

4/3/12- spending your time-resources/goals id: dream pw: achieved

3/27/12- being successful with guest Shannon Altom, triple diamond

3/13/12-generating leads with Alicia Demeny and Kiley Shafer

3/6/12- Your WHY...make that dream board and figure out what propels you!!
(sorry i forgot to record until after the baby story!)

2/28- attitude and two team members who show that leadership quality and their journey
call got high pitch in the middle so two parts to the call with recording stopped)

2/21- build with intention and self confidence

2/14- 30 sec commercial, expo's and blitzing with Nikki, Kiley Shafer and Dawn Rogers

Sunday, January 13, 2013

WHY... Why I do what I do.

Have you ever worked really hard on a work project only to have the final outcome overlooked? I know I have. Have you ever doubted the intentions of people you work with because of their actions? I know I have.

It Works Global is a company formed around family, fun and friendship. As I have only been in this family for a short time I have learned there is so much more to life then just working to earn money to stay afloat.. working to live. I believe to 'live' means, to live life to the fullest, to feel emotions up or down.. to experience things you only dream of. To make memories with the ones you love. Try new experiences, just because you can. The list goes on and on... When you think of living YOUR life, do you feel you deserve the hourly rate? The salary? What about working for what your worth? The effort your put into your business is what you get... the hours in my office marketing will pay off. All that effort I put in I know will pay off, I'm already starting to see it.

So, I know your all wondering...
Why do I do what I do? That's simple... I want to experience 'life' with my family... To provide things for my family I would otherwise be unable to. Take vacations that people only thought about in their dreams or seen in pictures. Make lifelong friendships.. in a business that will take them just as far as their willing to push. To be paid as I'm worth.

As a young 20's I feel as thought I should be started in my career or at least be working toward finishing a degree. It Works Global is allowing me to experience life as a business owner. I own my own business. I'm involved in booking all the parties, ordering all the products, doing all the research, placing all the follow up calls, doing all the marketing. Has It Works Global changed my outlook on life? Absolutely! I feel as though I have a product that has the ability to help people, I know it sure has transformed me... Mentally and physically. Some people don't realize the mental abuse people who are overweight endure. I now feel more confident and independent compared to before starting with It Works Global.

I come from a family with little. Growing up I remember times when money was 'tight'. Tight meaning candles as lights, no hot water 'tight.' I want to be financially prepared when I have children and I want to ensure they have a good future ahead of them. I want to give them a nice home, with their own room.. furniture that was bought for them, not hand-me-downs. Send them to private school because I can afford to. I'd like them to know that money is something earned. I remember going school shopping in August... we were lucky to get one pair of shoes, a backpack, and a pair of pants.. most of those hand-me-downs. I want to give my child the pink sparkle backpack that I couldn't ever have, the  nice brand new Nikes that I never had, the electricity that I didn't always have.  It Works Global is giving me the opportunity to give to my future family something I never had.

I've never been  on a real vacation either. The closest thing to a vacation is to a family dinner in the next state over. I've never been able to afford a vacation before and my family has never been on a real vacation either. I've dreamed of going to an exotic island or spend a week on the coast... or visit another country.. JUST BECAUSE I CAN... The potential with It Works Global is almost unreal...

The friendships I have entered into through this company are great. In the time that I have been with It Works Global the friends that I have acquired through the company are unlike any person I have ever been friends with. The team I am apart of is more like family. Everyone is so encouraging and understanding. If I'm ever having a bad day I like to check in with some of them, there is never a word of negativity. They taught me the value of determination. I am now a determined It Works distributor. I have had more positive interaction with this group then I have had in my entire life, and I say that literally. I've never been pushed in life to achieve something out of the normal. What I have done with my life to date was because I pushed myself. I went to school outside of high school, in a field that was suppose to be very rewarding, I became an EMT. I worked for a small EMS service and hospital. I am more then burnt out. I enjoy the interaction with people but just am very burnt out. I am ready to take my life in a completely different direction and It Works Global is a great opportunity for me. I am still able to talk about things that I know, the health field but I just don't have to deal with the schedules, the managers, the negative co-workers in this job. This is more then a job to me, it certainly doesn't feel like work to me. My 'co-workers' (up-line)  actually push me to succeed and that is a nice feeling. They want me to succeed and that makes me feel good to know that they actually care.

I'm ready to take my business to a 'whole notha level.' I'm ready to commit my free time, my weekends to It Works now. I work real hard now, to enjoy the good life later. I know I will see the light at the end of the tunnel, with hard work my dreams WILL come true. I work with some of the greatest people and meet some great people in the process with parties, vendor events and everything in between. To call this a job makes me laugh. If so, it's the best job I've ever had!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Successful Wrap Party Tips

Have you ever hosted a party where you invested a lot of time, money and effort and only one or two people show up? Well, I can say I have before too. I find the most successful parties I plan are being those that you do more follow up and less time, money and effort involved.

Show up early to ensure proper time to set up and discuss any questions with the host.

It's always good to have some sort of table cloth. Some people like to use the It Works logo towel, others prefer to get a banner made up.. what ever your decision ensure it is large enough for your work space. I like to use a 7 foot table.
When  you are a product of the product you will gain product bottles, wrap boxes, lotion/gel bottles.. keep them you can use them for a marketing tool. I try and save one pill from each bottle so that customers can see just how big the pills really are.
Brag books are a nice, easy way for the guests to see actual results. Your brag book can be filled with photos of your own results along with your up lines results, your customer/other guests results. It's also a good idea to take pictures of every guest prior to wrapping them so they can get a before and after picture (Some guests might not want their pictures shown to anyone or they might not even want them taken, be sure to ask prior to taking the picture.)
As each guest comes in, collect their money and then wrap them. Trying to collect money at the end is always a challenge and to ensure you get paid it's best to collect prior to wrapping. Wrap the guest in a private location, like a bedroom or restroom. Don't forget to measure each guest. The measure cards will be given to each guest after wrapping them. Also, guests like to know a little about the wrap so maybe a product information packet. I like to include the product information for the wrap, a page about how it works and what to expect and and order form. While they are waiting for the actual presentation they can read those. ENCOURAGE WATER!
Presentations during your party can include the It's Vital demonstration, Fat Fighter Demonstration, Sample the Lifting Lip and Eye Cream, tasting Greens and maybe a Greens Facial. Depending on time or even cost effectiveness you don't need to do all or even any of these. To get peoples attention about the products I like to do at least two of them at the parties I host.
Signing guests up for parties can also be fun as well. I like freebies and raffles, and so do our guests! During a party I like to sign as many guests up to host their own party. The incentive for this is a raffle. Each guest who signs up and KEEPS their party will be entered into a raffle. The raffle can be monthly, quarterly or anytime of your choosing. I also like to inform guests that if they have 5 guests or more wrap at their hosted party they will receive a FREE wrap! This really gets the guest excited about signing up for a party. Before the guests leave that signed up for a party leave don't forget to give them information about the parties (All they need to provide is water, and if they REALLY feel like they need to serve food.. small trays of fruit or vegetables is the maximum)

Pump your guests up before they leave by measuring their results. Get them excited about It Works! Don't forget to follow up with everyone post party to ensure the 'no' people didn't want to host a party and results from wraps. (Reminder: No isn't always forever, just right now...)

Something to remember each guest by can be kind of difficult when your wrapping a guest your not familiar with. During the few minutes it takes to wrap the guest ask them their name and write it down, along with something you talked about. When you call your guests for a follow up it makes their experience feel more personal if they feel like you remembered them.

Don't forget to like my Facebook page!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How can I BLITZ my way to DIAMOND?

As I grow in my business I am finding that one ofthe best ways to get word out about your business is to BLITZ! It is still growing on me here through, it is not my favorite way to get the word out but it certainly is very effective.

Getting a blitz card in the hands of people that have never heard of It Works is truly amazing. The reactions of people faces when they hear it really works is pretty funny. When you can get your minute or two with people to introduce It Works into their mind you have to get kind of crafty. In those few minutes you need to know exactly what you are going to say before you walk up to someone and plant the seed.
  • Know The Product!!!  I will say this time and time again. If you don't know the product and can't answer people questions you won't plant the seed. To get people attention, when I walk up to them I like to say... "Hi, can I bother you for a minute? Have you ever heard of It Works?"  As easy as that people are interested when you hand them the card.
  • Blitz With Enthusiasm!!! When you hand a card to someone, SMILE... show confidence in the products. When people see that your excited about It Works they will get excited about It Works!
  • Be A Product Of The Product!!! I can't stress this enough... to know and understand a product you need to know the products. Showing interested people your personal results will show people that it really works! Yeah, you know the wrap works, I know it works.. but do they? Make them understand that these products really do work.
  • Don't Give Up!!! Blitzing can be a very stressful event if you let it be. Don't get discouraged by the no's... there will be lots of them. Once you get your yes, you will forget all the times you heard "no thanks." Also, remember.. no doesn't always mean no. No can mean not right now. Check back with people, you may have caught them at the wrong time.
  • Reel People In!!! Blitzing is a lot like fishing in a sense that your bait is your card.. and you're the pole. You may cast a few times before you catch anything.. and if you do you don't know how your catch will be till you've put in a little work. Make people interested in your product. Share personal stories.. carry a 'Brag Book'... or just share the card. Once you have them hooked, don't lose their attention.. keep reeling!
There are tons of little 'tricks' to help you on your way..

Carry raffle cards with you when you blitz. When you hard out a blitz card you tell them they could be entered into a drawing for a free wrap. Once you have their information, call them within the first 24-48 hours. Don't let them forget who you are.

If your at a busy location (sporting event, bus station, grocery store, etc) perfect opportunity is NOW! If you can get away with it, you don't need to say a word to anyone when you pass cards out. Long, fast paced lines are great examples... get your card out there! Grocery store lines are full of people with nothing better to do then stand there.. give them something to do. Take the opportunity to drop your seed!

During holidays people often overlook these as perfect opportunities to shower the community with Green & Black!
 *January- After Christmas sales = Lots of shoppers!
 *Feb- Valentine Blitz Cards... tape heart suckers to cards and pass out at work. Give to your childs teacher, the waitress, the cab driver... the list is endless.
 *March- Tax season! Lots of people have a little extra money.
 *April- Easter baskets with cards, samples etc. Maybe a basket with wrap give away???
 *July- Outdoor community wrap party.. Get everyone outside for a cold water and a wrap!
 *August/Sept.- Back to school... introduce your childs teacher to It Works with a card, wrap and a bottled water. Trust me, she'll call...
 *October- Trick-or-Treaters almost always have parents with them. I'm sure mom or even dad wouldn't mind a sucker or mini chocolate attached to a blitz card.
 *November- Black Friday sales!!! Need I say more...
 *December- Marketing in the form of gifts are a double win!

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